Sunday, January 11, 2009

Setting Myself Up To Be Successful

Yesterday's post focused on stopping the madness--end the cycle of credit card debt by leaving the card at home.

But now the question becomes. Ok, how do I do that? How do I pay cash for the things I need? I need a haircut at my fab salon (fab = expensive, but so worth it). I need to take the hybrid in for servicing. I want to go skiing. Dare I say, I need to go skiing and lift tickets are not cheap.

It's definitely a challenge. One that I'm just beginning to figure out esp since it's not been my habit to pay up front.

The way I'm attacking this challenge is, I pay myself first. That is, I set aside funds for those out of the ordinary expenses. Day-to-day expenses like food, gas, commuting fares, a movie, dinner with friends, dry cleaning are not what I consider out of the ordinary. I've always planned and set aside for these events. But now, I'm also setting aside for the car service, or the pugs need a grooming or a visit to the vet. And, of course, the fab hair appointment or yes, I want to go skiing or see West Side Story this spring or go to an ultra nice restaurant. (I certainly don't believe in depriving myself!)

I'm advocating what some might call "paying yourself" first. Whether its $25 or $50 or more, I know I've got to be disciplined about this. But I want to be clear that this money is short-term savings set aside for these extras. I'm not talking about longer-term savings.

Have to ask myself, how am I doing? So far this year, so good. I've been able to set some short-term cash aside and my plan is to make sure I've always got some monies in a bank account I set up just for this purpose. I know I'm going to tap into it this account. But that's ok. Because I'd rather tap into this money, than use that credit card! I'm stopping the madness.

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