As far as I'm concerned, as soon as the calendar changes over to February, I've got reason to celebrate.
First of all, the days are already longer in February. The sun is not fully setting in the evenings until close to 5:30 p.m. now and the shortest, most bleak days of winter are done. And I've survived without going stark, raving mad or suffering too badly from cabin fever or the lack of sunlight. Yahoo. My first small victory of the year.
And this year, I've got another fantabulous reason to feel good. My resolution to become a tightwad is beginning to see results. At the beginning of the year, I resolved to stop using credit cards and for the whole month of January, I didn't use my credit card once. I paid for everything in cash or with my debit card. Another yahoo.
Now, you may say to yourself. Whoop-de-doo. Who cares?
I care. And while it's a small victory, I'm celebrating because positive change is paved with small victories. When we achieve a milestone, no matter how minor, we have to sit up and take notice and pat ourselves on the back. After all, who will take note of my progress if I don't take the time to note it myself?
Now, I do realize that how I'm celebrating this victory has to be in line with what I'm celebrating--so no huge dinner at a fancy restaurant or an evening of partying at a local wine lounge. Instead I'll celebrate with a small dinner at home, fully paid for in cash of course, and a good book (see my previous post and you'll understand why a good book). And tomorrow, I'll continue my frugal spending with renewed energy knowing that I'm making good progress.
This pat on the back feels good.
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